Friday, April 03, 2009

20,000 Days!

Today, April 3, 2009, marks my 20,000 day here on planet Earth! I have been asked by some, "Why would anyone mark, let alone know, when such an milestone occurs"? Well, it's really easy to know how many days, weeks, months, hours, minutes and even seconds you have been alive with a web site I have used for at least two years. Here's the link: This wonderful site allows anyone to insert their birthday and birth year and then know many things about their age. Check it out.

Of course, as a geologist I am fascinated with time. It turns out that I am about 1.728 billion seconds old and so nearly as old in seconds as the Vishnu Schist is in years. That's a pretty amazing thought. My 500,000 hour is coming up quick so I'll be celebrating again! Here's all of the info as of 3:30 PM MST:

As of 4/3/2009 3:32:44 PM MST
You are 54 years old.
You are 657 months old.
You are 2,857 weeks old.
You are 20,000 days old.
You are 480,018 hours old.
You are 28,801,112 minutes old.
You are 1,728,066,764 seconds old.

It's a cold windy day in Flagstaff today but I am celebrating this momentous day.


  1. I actually figured out when I would be a billion seconds old, intending to have a quick, surprise (to those around me) celebration. Then I forgot. I'm coming up quick on 50 (years) now... maybe I'll make it to 2 billion (seconds). Fun post, thanks for the link.

  2. Happy Birthday Wayne!

    I'm 358 days older than you.

    LOL! Old as the Vishnu Schist.

  3. Only 7591 days till I'm 20,000 days old too Wayne! Woot! Woot! My native American zodiac sign is the hawk...that's cool..I love hawks! Thanks for the link! Cheers!

  4. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Tuesday, May 4th, 2010 I turn 20,000 days old!!!


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